May your 2020 be full of Jesus’ light and truth. May He bless you with what He knows you and your loved ones need. May He level you up in love, His spirit, His mind, healing for your soul, healing for your body, increase your faith in Him, increase in wisdom and understanding! May you have more than enough in 2020 yet, never forgetting Him for He is the reason we are all here.
God Bless the Paschal-Paschall Family
Hello Linda,
A little late, but Happy New Year! Your wish for all Paschalls is lovely. Best wishes to you and yours, too.
Thank you and Clarence for the wonderful information on our Paschall ancestors. We love reading all about our family of long ago. ?
Phyllis Ann
Thank you so much Phyllis Ann, may God richly bless you this year. Blessings – Linda