Proud to be an American Paschall

By Linda Stewart, 19 June 2020

Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi was born in 1940 in Baltimore, MD.  Her father Thomas Ludwig John D’Alesandro (1903-1987) born and died in Baltimore, MD, was a politician.  Her grandfather Tommaso G. D’Alessandro was born in 1868 in Italy, immigrated to the US ca 1890, naturalized ca 1899, died in 1952 in Baltimore, and was a city laborer.   So this Italian D’Alesandro family has been in the North East area of this country for 130 years.

The Paschall’s, on the other hand, have been in America for 338 years with many of them fighting for the freedom to create the United States.   We have fought for this nation in EVERY war, with many of them sacrificing their lives.

When I read about Nancy Pelosi wanting to removed the Confederate Statues from the Capitol building.  I don’t get offended, I just get angry.  The Capitol, which was started in 1793, has been a meeting place for the House of Representatives and the Senate for 227 years.  The Capitol building stands as a monument to the American people and their government.  Since it is a monument to the AMERICAN people then ALL statues are to remain in place.

The Paschall family is both White and Black, Northern and Southern and we are proud of it.  Our DNA shows that we qualify to be called an American.  If you want a more specific designation such as Hispanic American, or Italian American, then we Paschall’s are American Mutts.  Our family has made more contributions to this nation than the D’Alesandro family.  We Paschall’s are proud of our family, are proud of our nation, and proud of our heritage.   And we do NOT bow the knee to Moloch.  We bow ONLY to Jesus Christ, and we are prayer warriors.

If  Nancy is so ashamed of this nation, than I am sure her ancestral home of Montenerodomo, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy would welcome her back with open arms.

One thought on “Proud to be an American Paschall”

  1. Linda is Right, read the proclamation on the Statue of Liberty.
    America is a home to everyone. When you sign up to be an Ametican all Other names crease ; You are an American. It was a battle from the start and that right has been defended several times. However, anyone who takes a stand and places names, races, nationality or other preferences does the Nation a disfavor and can not win, WE are all Americans , there is no other word….

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