You Must Choose

by Linda Stewart, 27 November 2022

This is a true story.  The “event” took place in 2005.  On November 9, 2022 the Lord gave me a dream reminding me of the “event”.  In the dream He said seven times, “Tell them they have to choose.”  This is the story of the “event”.

My mother, Ruth Paschall Clark, was born in 1919.  At the age of 9 she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.  She served Him faithfully all the days of her life, and raised her children to love the Lord Jesus.

In 2005, mother was hospitalized in our small local hospital with pneumonia.  She had been there for about a week.  My sister had been staying with her at night.  One evening mother called me and said, “I want you staying with me tonight.”  I took care of the things that needed tending to at my home, put on comfortable clothes that I could sleep in, grabbed my bible and anointing oil, and headed to the hospital.  When I got there mother was sitting on the edge of her hospital bed.  She started crying and said, “Jesus has left me.”

I said, “Mother, Jesus hasn’t left you.  He says in His word ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5).  Why do you think He’s left you?”

She said, “About three days ago, I was in the bathroom.  Something hit me and it’s inside of me.  I hear it blaspheming the Lord and now I can’t feel Jesus”.

I said, “Mother, why didn’t you say something about this earlier?”

She said, “I was afraid you kids would think I was crazy.”

I said, “Well, you’re not crazy and we going to take care of this.”

At that time, I was just learning about the authority of the name of Jesus and dealing with demons.  My friend Ann and her roommate were both familiar with deliverance ministry.  So I decided to call her to get some guidance.  I called Ann’s home from mother’s hospital room.  As soon as her phone rang the phone line in the room went dead.  I went to the nurse’s station, told them the phone line was dead.  They told me to use their phone.  I called Ann and she answered the phone.  I said, “Ann, it’s Linda.  I need prayer” and that phone line also went dead.  I told the nurse the line was dead and she said, “Oh that’s impossible the hospital has a backup system” but to her surprise, it had failed at that moment.  The phone system to the entire hospital was not working.  Ann and her roommate immediately started praying and interceding for me.

I went back to mother’s room.  I got out my anointing oil and opened my bible and started reading out loud.  Mother put her hands over her ears.  The demon was really tormenting her now.  I said, “What is the demon saying?”

She said, “Your daughter can’t help you. No one can help you.”

I said, “That is a lie straight from hell because Mother and I are covered by the blood of Jesus.  Let’s get ready for bed.”

As we were getting ready for bed, things began to happen in the room.  The furniture started moving on its own.  Items that were on the night stand started flying through the room as if being thrown by an invisible hand.  A picture fell off the wall.  Mother was in the bed clutching my bible to her chest.  I anointed us both, and I anointed the hospital bed.  I got into bed with her.  We were both laying on our left sides with my right arm wrapped around her.  At this point we were in a full poltergeist event.  The bed we were in started vibrating and moving.  Speaking to the demons, I said, “Devil, you do whatever you want to do.  Mother and I are covered by the Blood of Jesus and in Jesus’ name we are going to sleep.”  When I said the “Blood of Jesus”  everything stopped.  The things that were in mid air stopped.  Then everything crashed to the floor.  The crash was so loud one of the nurses from the nursing station came to see what had happened.  I saw her open the door, but she did not come into the room.

Mother and I went to sleep.  The next morning we woke up about the same time.  Still lying on our left sides with my arm around her, I asked mother if the demon was gone.  She said yes. Then mother said, “Well, what did you think about last night?”

I kind of laughed and said, “Well, it was one thing for things to go flying through the room.  It was another thing when the bed we were laying in started vibrating and I’m not so sure it wasn’t levitating.”

Mother said, “No, not that, about us going to hell.”

I said, “I didn’t go to hell.”

She said, Yes, you and I went to hell then to heaven.”

I said, “Mother, I slept all night.  I didn’t even dream.”

She said, “But you were with me.”

I said, “Tell me about it.”

Mother said, “An angel came and got us.  We got into a around metal car.  You know those vehicles that people get into to go up a mountain and it’s on a cable.”

I said, “A gondola?”

She said, “Yes, that’s it.  The three of us got into one of those.  There was glass on the sides so I could see out.  We started moving really fast, then we started descending.  We went down, down, down, then we stopped.  The door opened and the angel told me to step out.  You stayed in the car.  After taking a few steps, Linda I was standing in hell.  It was hot and the smell was so rancid.  I tried to cover my nose, but it didn’t help.  The smell was rancid, sewerage, vomit, every foul odor imaginable all together.   It’s indescribable.  Then the noise.  Millions of people screaming, crying and groaning.  The very worst part of hell is the presence of God is not there.  That’s the first time I have been without the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is with us all of our lives, even when we are in the womb.  So we take Him for granted because He is always there.

I cried for Jesus and the angel touched my arm and we got back into the vehicle.  We began to rise, then we shot into space.  I saw space and stars.  Then we were in heaven.  Once again the door opened and I stepped out.  You stayed in the car.

I started walking to the throne room.  I saw your daddy.  He walked passed me and turned and smiled.  He didn’t say anything to me, he just smiled.  I did not see mother and daddy, but I felt them.  I knew they were in heaven.  I went into the throne room and Oh the magnificence of the Father.  When I left the throne room I saw a little girl.  She was sitting on the ground playing with a ball and a string.  Kind of like when you play jacks.  She got up and she was laughing and singing, and skipping around.  Then she saw Jesus walking toward her.  She ran to Him, He sat down and she climbed into His lap.  He hugged and kissed her.  She turned around and sat with her back leaning into His chest.  I realized the little girl was me!  I looked like I was about 2 or 3 years old.  My hair was cotton top and straight, and cut into the bowl shape.  Jesus looked up at me straight into my eyes and I knew it was time to go back to earth.  I said Lord why did you send me to hell?  I’m a good person.  I accepted you when I was a child.  I have served you all of my life.”

Jesus said, “I sent you to hell so you could experience what it is like.  Then I brought you to heaven so you could experience what it is like.  When you return to earth, you must tell people about this experience and tell them they must choose.  They must choose between heaven or hell.  It is their choice of where they will spend eternity.”

Mother and I laid in that bed talking about the events that took place.  I asked her what Jesus looked like.  She said looking into His eyes is like looking in liquid love.  I asked her about daddy.  She said he looked young and healthy.  She told me about heaven.  The beauty and love that permeates there.   She also talked about the horrors of hell.

I got up from the bed and went to the nurse’s station to get us some coffee.  The nurse stopped me and said, “What happened last night?  I heard a crash in your room.  I went to check on you and your mother and saw the mess, but the Lord would not let me enter the room.  I checked on you both during the night.  You both never moved.  You slept with your arm around her all night.”  I told her what happened.

The rest of the day was very peaceful.  Mother read in my bible and she talked about heaven.

My mother now lives in heaven, enjoying Jesus and my daddy.  All of us take our Christian walk way too lightly.  Just as mother said, “We take the Holy Spirit for granted.”  We must not do that.  Our time on this earth is growing to a close.

As I said at the beginning of this article, on November 9th the Lord gave me a dream reminding me of the “event”.  In the dream there was major chaos happening all around the world.  Our world is changing.  Many deaths will take place during this time.  The events of Revelation are happening all around us.  In the dream the Lord said seven times, “Tell them they have to choose.”  There was an urgency in His voice.

As I was proofing the article, I received a text that Mable Abshier Langford just passed away.  She was the nurse that was on duty the night of the “event.”  We don’t know when it is our time to step into eternity, so the decisions have to be made while we are still on earth.  You must choose.

Bill Wiese spent 23 minutes in hell.  He gives a very detail description of his experience.

Remembering a Loved One

by Linda Stewart, 28 April 2022

I believe family researchers are born with a love and connection to the past.  We enjoy going back to the old homesteads and walking the land that our ancestors walked.  Touching the things they may have touched.  Carrying on the family traditions.  But what do you do with all the material things that is left behind when they move to heaven?

Giving away the things that our loved one owned is one of the hardest things the family members will ever do.  Touching a shirt will create an entangled emotional ball of happiness, love and grief.  Grief counsels often suggest keeping a few keepsake items, then having an estate sale.  People who attend estates sales will choose items that they will incorporate into their lives that they will love and cherish as much as your loved one did.

Several months after my husband died, my sister-in-law came over and helped me clean out his closet and chest-of-drawers.  Actually she did most of the cleaning while I sat on the bed and cried.  My husband enjoy wearing ties to church.  The Lord told me to not give the ties away.  I now realize why.

Our wonderful sweet cousin, Sandy Paschal, in Mt. Carmel, Illinois is a quilter.  She posted on Facebook pictures of quilted Christmas ornaments she has made.  I contacted her and asked if she could make ornaments out of my husband’s ties.  She said she had never made ornaments out of ties before, but would certainly try.  I think you will agree Sandy’s creations are beautiful, unique, and a priceless keepsake.

Now I must admit, I still have his deer mounts hanging on the wall, and his collection of saltwater fish pictures still dominate one room, but I’ve added crochet, lace, and flowers all over the house.  After thirty-eight years of marriage, his things are also my things.

Once I am through with enjoying the material things on earth and move to heaven, then someone else will incorporate them into their lives and enjoy them as well.

Blessings to All.





Turkey Gone, but Five Grand Is Safe: Pair Happy

by Linda Stewart, 31 August 2021

Long Beach, Calif., December 26, 1951 — While D. Cameron Paschall and his wife [June] were visiting relatives Tuesday the electric roaster cooking their turkey became overheated and set their house afire.

A neighbor called the Paschall’s and told them the bad news.  Paschall rushed into the burning home and emerged triumphant, not with the turkey but with a paper bag.  It contained $5,000 in cash Paschall had secreted in his home.  The turkey was reduced to charcoal.

The Paschall’s ate out, which cut an insignificant dent in the $5,000.  Damage to the house was confined to the kitchen[i].


Dean Cameron Paschall, the son of William Guthrie Paschall and Lorene Litterel, was born 6 August 1922 in Los Angeles Co., CA, and died on 29 April 2004 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.  He was cremated with his ashes scattered at sea[ii].

Dean was married first to June Elizabeth Mertz on December 27, 1946 in Glendale, Los Angeles Co., CA[iii].  The marriage record was recorded on January 2, 1947 in book 2729, page 169. June was married secondly to Robert Randle Cox.

June Mertz Weds Dean C. Paschall In California:  Word has been received here of the wedding of Miss June Elizabeth Mertz, daughter of Mrs. Paul F. Mertz, 49 Raleigh avenue, this city and Dean Cameron Paschall, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Paschall of Long Beach, Calif.  The couple were married Dec. 27 in the Wee Kirk o’ the Heather, Glendale, Calif., by Rev. Clair Gahagen of the First Presbyterian church of Glendale. 

For the ceremony the bride chose a bridge wool suit trimmed with brown braid and brown accessories.  Her corsage was a spray of green orchids.  Attending the bride was Miss. Audrey L. Hergrandson who wore a grey suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses.  Robert Powell was best man.

The bride, a graduate of Mansfield Senior high school was graduated from Long Beach Polytechnic high school and Long Beach Junior college.  She is now attending the University of Southern California.

Mr. Paschall was graduated from City College and at present is associated with his father in Meyer and Welsh, Inc. in Los Angeles. The couple resides at 6914 Rugby avenue, Huntington Park, Calif[iv].

Dean was married secondly to Audrey Lucille Hergrandson Hulbert on July 29, 1961 in Los Angeles Co., CA[v].

Wayfarers’ Chapel Setting for Paschall-Hulbert Rite:  In a morning service at Wayfarer’s Chapel, Portuguese Bend, Dr. D. Cameron Paschall took as his bride, Audrey L. Hulbert, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spurgeon.  The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Paschall, 2225 Pasadena Ave.

The bride wore a gown of pink silk organza and a pale pink veil.  She carried a nosegay of pink roses.  Mrs. Julius Smith was matron of honor, and Valerie Jean Hulbert was junior bridesmaid.  Dr. John P. Martin served as best man. 

The new Mrs. Paschall attended Long Beach City College, and was a member of Thespians.  Dr. Paschall was graduated from Polytechnic High School, Long Beach City College and USC, and was affiliated with Phi Delta Chi.  The newlyweds are on a honeymoon trip to New York City and will be at home at 4470 Cerritos Ave. after Aug. 14[vi].

June Elizabeth Mertz Paschall Cox, Mansfield High School in Mansfield, Ohio, 1938.  Dean Cameron Paschall, Long Beach City College, 1941.  Audrey Lucille Hergrandson Hulbert Paschall, 1961.

[i] Fairbanks Daily News – Miner, (Fairbanks, Alaska), Wednesday, December 26, 1951, Page 1.

[ii], accessed 31 August 2021

[iii] State of California. California Marriage Index, Los Angeles County, Marriage Record #569, Registrar #113.

[iv] News-Journal, (Mansfield, Ohio), Monday, January 6, 1947, Page 5.

[v] State of California. California Marriage Index, 1960-1985. Microfiche. Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California. Registrar Co. #19 22830, State File #54520.

[vi] Independent, (Long Beach, CA), Friday, August 4, 1961, Page 18.


by Linda Stewart, 28 August 2021


Fulton, KY., August 29, 1899, Sam Norman, a prominent resident of Mayfield, and Ray Paschall, editor of the Weekly Guard, a Brown paper, got into a dispute over state politics at Knight’s hotel this afternoon.  Norman took exception to Paschall’s remarks and slapped his jaws.  Paschall did not resent Norman’s attack at the time, but later slipped up on him and struck him with a knife.  Bystanders intruded and prevented further hostilities.  The Owensboro Messenger, (Owensboro, KY), Wed, Aug 30, 1899, Pg 4


The Sun a few days since printed an article clipped from a Louisville paper and no doubt sent by some prejudiced correspondent, giving an account of a fight in Fulton between Editor Paschall, of the Guard, and Mr. Sam Norman, an ex-sheriff of Graves county.  The item said that Paschall retired after being slapped by Norman and later slipped up on Norman and attacked him with a knife.  The Guard of this week gives an account of the trouble and the Sun reprints a part of justice to Mr. Paschall, who seems to have been unjustly accused in what was previously printed:  “Hero is what the eye-witnesses say who saw the affair.  Jim Milner, clerk at Knight’s hotel: ‘I saw Norman slap Paschall, and saw Paschall drawback to hit him.’  Gus Covington, traveling salesman: ‘I was present at the time of trouble between Paschall and Norman began, and was one of the three men who help Paschall and prevented him from hitting Norman.”  Charles Payne, lawyer: ‘I was present and saw Paschall walk up in front of Norman a few seconds later and hit him in the face with his fist.  The second lick Paschall struck Norman fell.  Together with two other gentlemen we pulled Paschall off Norman and stopped the fight.  Paschall had no knife.’  A.B. McCall, merchant Dukedom: ‘I held Norman while Paschall was pulled off of him.  Paschall used nothing be his fist.’  Dick LaRue, conductor: ‘I separated Paschall and Norman Tuesday and was quite amused at the way the thing ended.  The big man stood no show.  Paschall had no knife — only a left fist.'”   The Paducah Sun, (Paducah, KY), Sat., Sept 2, 1899, Pg 3

Per the 1900 Fulton Co., KY US Census, Jesse Raymond Paschall, and wife Dora, had two daughters Pauline, age 4 and Katherine, age 2.  His occupation was editor[i].  Raymond “Ray” married Dora Cooksey on 3 July 1894 in Henry Co., TN[ii].   Raymond, the son of Alexander Richard Paschall and Adalaide Araminta “Ada” Taylor, was born February 10, 1869 in Kentucky, died from tuberculosis on January 29, 1915 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN, and was buried in the Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN, PLOT: Evergreen #278. Typographical Union Lot. No personal marker [iii].

In 1920, Dora and Katherine were living in Dallas, Dallas Co., TX[iv].  Pauline was  married to a Navy man, Joseph Hennard Cade, and they were living in Charleston, South Carolina[v].  In 1930, Pauline and Joseph were living in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL[vi].  Pauline died in 1963 and Joseph in 1971.  Both were buried in the Northridge Woodhaven Chapel and Cemetery in Millington, Shelby Co., TN, PLOT: Garden of the Christus[vii].

In 1930, Dora was living with her daughter Katherine Abbott, her husband Vayle E. Abbott and their newborn son Charles, in Miami, Dade Co., FL[viii].  Dora was born 8 Apr 1871, died 20 July 1943, and was buried in the Oaklawn Cemetery in Jacksonville, Duval Co., FL[ix].

[i] Year: 1900; Census Place: Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky; Page: 2; Enumeration District: 0040; FHL microfilm: 1240521

Year: 1910; Census Place: Memphis Ward 16, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1520; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0216; FHL microfilm: 1375533

[ii] Tennessee, U.S., Marriage Records, Henry County, 1898 May-1929 Aug: Marriage, Page 321, Licenses 126

[iii] Tennessee State Library and Archives; Nashville, Tennessee; Tennessee Death Records, 1908-1958; Roll Number: 40, Registration District No. 28005, File no. 300, accessed 28 August 2021

[iv] Year: 1920; Census Place: Dallas Precinct 16, Dallas, Texas; Roll: T625_1792; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 29

[v] Year: 1920; Census Place: Charleston Ward 6, Charleston, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1687; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 37

[vi] Year: 1930; Census Place: Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0105; FHL microfilm: 2340055

[vii], accessed 28 August 2021

[viii] Year: 1930; Census Place: Miami, Dade, Florida; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 0069; FHL microfilm: 2340046

[ix], accessed 28 August 2021

Miss Paschall To Become Nurse In Philippines

By Linda Stewart, 18 August 2021

Miss Esther Paschall was in the city yesterday as the guest of her sister, Miss Eulalie Paschall, remaining only for the day and leaving last night for her home, Norlina, NC.

Miss Paschall came to the city from New Orleans, where she has been quite prominent in her profession as a trained nurse and, after a short visit to her mother in Norlina, will leave for the Philippines, where she has accepted a position as army nurse.

While her friends regret to see her leave, they all feel proud that she has chosen so distinguished a field in which to do her good work.  Pensacola News Journal, (Pensacola, Florida), Sat., May 6, 1911, Page 5

Miss Esther Paschall Marries:  The following report of the marriage of Miss Esther Paschall is taken from The Cablenews-American, published at Baguio, Philippine Islands, Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 1914.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. J. L. Paschall, who lives near Norlina, and besides her father she has several brothers and sisters and many relatives living in this section.  She has been in the Philippine Islands for several years and hold a high position in the hospital service.

The report of the marriage as cut from the Cablenews-American follows:  All Baguio was very much surprised on Thursday evening at the announcement of the wedding a week ago of Miss Esther Paschall and Augustus B. Deibel.

Both the bride and groom are very well known and have been popular for several years in the ounger Baguio social set.  Mr. Deibel is connected with the Bureau of Public Works and Miss Paschall has occupied the position of Superintendent of Baguio hospital.

The marriage was a quiet affair and was held on September 24, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Ogilvy, head master of the Baguio Boys’ School.  Although the engagement had been suspected, the approaching wedding was kept absolutely secret, only the contracting parties, the clergyman, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wagner being in the secret.

Last Thursday night a reception was held at the residence of the Wagner’s, at which the announcement was made, and among those present to wish happiness and prosperity to the young couple were Mayer and Mrs. A. D. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Vincent, Captain and Mrs. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Bacmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Miss Friedline, Miss Holmes, Mrs. Saleeby, Miss, Ziegler, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. R. G. Myers, Mr. J. M. Myers, Mr. Edgerton, Mr. Sandkuhl, Mr. Sherfesee, and Mr. Walker.

The Wagner residence was beautifully decorated for the occasion with a profusion of ferns, palms, and potted plants, and the spacious grounds were lighted by numerous bon fires.

The entire Baguio colony are delighted to know that the Deibels will continue to make Baguio their residence.  Both parties are widely known in the Philippines, and their well wishers throughout the Islands number the thousands.  The Norlina Headlight, (Norlina, NC), Friday, November 27, 1914, Page 1

Esther Marvin Paschall Deibel, the daughter of John Lucas Paschall and Rose Virginia Langford, was born January 22, 1882 in Norlina, NC, died of breast cancer on November 16, 1925 in Brunswick Co., VA, and was buried in the Zion Union Methodist Church Cemetery in Norlina, Warren Co., NC.   She married Augustus Bismark Deibel on September 24, 1914 in Baguio, Philippine Islands. Per the 1920 census, they had two children: Frank Lee and Virginia Caroline.

Personal Information Sources:, accessed 18 Aug 2021

Certificate of Death, Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate #24391

The Norlina Highlight, (Norlina, NC), Friday, November 27, 1914, Page 1

“Kicking” Horse Plays Havoc

By Linda Stewart, 7 July 2021

Fulton, Ky., June 20, 1906 – As Miss Emma Hopkins and Fred Paschall, prominent young people, were returning from a visit in the country their horse suddenly commenced kicking.  The buggy was badly damaged.  Mr. Paschall was kicked on the leg and Miss Hopkins was kicked on the hip as she leaped from the buggy.  The young lady is suffering considerable pain, but no bones were broken[i].

Fred Paschall and Emma Hopkins were first cousins, once removed.

Gemma “Emma” Holmes Hopkins was the daughter of Martha “Mattie” Paschall and John Barnard Hopkins, and the granddaughter of Dr. Gideon William Paschall and Frances Adaline Bullock, was born 28 January 1887 in Fulton Co., KY, died 20 May 1948 in Grandville Co., NC, and was buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in Oxford, Grandville Co., NC[ii].  She married Leonard Bullock Fleming on 11 August 1918 in Shelby Co., TN[iii].

Alfred “Fred” Newton Paschall was the son of Perry Poyner Paschall and Ruth C. Wood, and the grandson of Jesse Morgan Paschall and Mary Freeman, was born on 30 July 1874, died on 17 January 1963 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN, and was buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Fulton, KY[iv].  He married Mary Hettie Fields on 25 July 1906[v].

Wife of Leonard Bullock Fleming. Daughter of John Bernard & Martha Paschall Hopkins. Granddaughter of Holmes Hamilton & Margaret Barnard Hopkins & Gideon William & Frances Adeline Bullock Paschall. Descended from Micajah Bullock.

[i] News-Democrat, (Paducah, KY), Wed, 20 June 1906, Page 3

[ii] North Carolina Certificate of Death, #10528, accessed 7 July 2021

[iii] “Tennessee, County Marriages, 1790-1950,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 December 2016), Shelby > Marriage licenses, 1918 > image 2285 of 8288; citing Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville and county clerk offices from various counties.

[iv], accessed 7 July 2021

The Paducah Sun (Paducah, KY), Fri, 18 Jan 1963, Page 6

WWI Draft Registration State: Kentucky; Registration County: Fulton County

[v] The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), Tue, 17 July 1906, Page 4

Janet Paschal-Gospel Vocalist and Writer

by Linda Stewart, 23 April 2021

“Janet grew up in a musical family. Her dad and his brothers played bluegrass instruments and sang in churches in neighboring states. Janet’s sister, Kay, played piano and the sisters formed their own gospel-singing group.”  Read Janet’s complete bio on her website at

Not only is Janet beautiful, talented, and loves the Lord, she is also a double Paschal.  William Paschal (1704-1774) of North Carolina is not only her 7th great grandfather, he is also her 8th great grandfather.   William and Reliance’s first son Samuel had a great grandson also named William.  William and Reliance’s fifth son Elisha had a granddaughter named Nancy.  Nancy and William, 2nd cousins once removed, married on 14 January 1840 in Caswell County, North Carolina.  It was common practice for cousins to marry in the 1800’s. William and Nancy would raise nine children.

In May 2019, Janet was inducted into the Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee.

Janet was born in North Carolina.  She and her husband John Lanier, currently reside in North Carolina where her Paschal ancestors have lived since 1743.

Picture Courtesy of

It’s San Jacinto Day

by Linda Stewart, 21 April 2021

Remembering Texan Samuel Paschall (Eli, James, John, William), who were among the 900 men who fought for Texas independence from Mexico on April 21, 1836.  The battle of San Jacinto was the concluding military event of the Texas Revolution.

Note: His name is spelled Pascall, Paschal, and Paschall on the documents.

PASCHALL, SAMUEL–Born in Tuscumbia, Franklin, Tennessee December 8, 1815 and moved at an early age with his parents to Sommerville, Tennessee. In 1835 he emigrated to Little Rock, Arkansas. On January 28, 1836 he arrived at Velasco [Texas] on the schooner Pennsylvania, having been recruited for the regular army of Texas by Captain Amasa Turner in New Orleans. He was issued Bounty Certificate No. 548 for 960 acres of land December 27, 1837 for having served in the army from February 13, 1836 to June 30, 1837. He was in Captain Turner’s Company at San Jacinto and on May 26, 1838 was issued Donation Certificate No. 227 for 640 acres of land for having participated in the battle. He received a Headright Certificate, dated January 18, 1838, from the Harris County Board of Land Commissioners for one-third of a league of land. This was lost and duplicate No. 402/501 was issued October 19, 1840. In the duplicate it is not stated when Mr. Paschall came to Texas. He sold the certificate July 19, 1847 to Jacob De Cordova. Mr. Paschall could not, at that time, write, but affixed his mark to the deed of transfer. (Milam County First Class Headright File No. 657 in the General Land Office.)

Mr. Paschall settled at Houston and engaged in his vocation of cabinet maker and carpenter. He was married to Bridget O’Reilly at Houston, September 21, 1839. At a convention held on the San Jacinto Battlefield April 21, 1860 General Sam Houston was endorsed for President of the United States as “the peoples candidate”. Isaac L. Hill, a San Jacinto veteran, was elected president of the convention and among the vice presidents chosen were the following who had served under General Houston at San Jacinto: Samuel Paschall, Ellis Benson, Andrew Montgomery, William S. Taylor, William Dunbar and David H. Love.

Mr. Paschall died June 6, 1874 while a member of the Texas Veterans Association. He is buried in Saint Vincent’s Cemetery, Houston, in a marked grave. Mrs. Paschall’s date of death is unknown. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Paschall were William, Samuel and Sarah Ann. Edward Early, a grandson of Mr. Paschall resided in Herndon, Virginia.

Article source: The Kemp Sketch, accessed 21 April 2021


Other sources: accessed 21 April 2021

What’ll They Think of Next? Hummingbirds and Horses Are Stuffed by Versatile Taxidermist

Article published in The Austin American-Statesman (Austin, TX), Tue. 28 May 1950, Page 22.  Original Author Unknown.

Reprinted by Linda Stewart, 15 April 2021

If you ever return from Lake Austin with a black bass, chances are you’ll head for one of the two taxidermist’s studios on Fredericksburg Road, where you can have the trophy mounted as proof of your story about the one that didn’t get away.

But W. D. [William Daulton] Paschall and L. M. Rathbone say that stuffing fish is quite a chore and both men prefer to handle large game.  Their business comes from local hunters, who bring in several hundred buck heads to be mounted each season.

Customers ask the taxidermists to mount everything from javelina’s to humming birds.  Rathbone, who is located at 2708 Fredericksburg Road, once stuffed 500 horned toads for a novelty salesman.  He says that he still shudders at the thought of the little reptiles.

One of Paschall’s most unusual jobs was the mounting of a five-and-a-half foot rattlesnake about two years ago.  He put the coiled snake in a box and rigged up a mechanism which vibrated the rattlers when the box lid was raised.  J. W. Johnson of 510 East Fifth was the practical joker who had the snake mounted.

Paschall stuffs very few snakes in his studio at 2025 Fredericksburg Road, but he does tan their hides to be used in making purses and billfolds.  He has mounted a Siamese calf for calvest, two-headed freaks, and albino squirrels.  During past deer season, Irwin Fisher of 609 West Sixth brought in a rare black buck to be mounted.  Paschall has just finished stuffing an alligator for Mayor Taylor Glass one of his regular customers.  The mayor has a nice collection of specimens including a bobcat.

Mounting pets and domestic animals is also a part of the taxidermist’s business, but Rathbone and Paschall agree that it is hard to please customers who want a favorite cat or dog to look just as it did in life.  On the other hand a taxidermist usually knows more about game animals then the average hunter does and therefore has little trouble in creating a lifelike coyote or duck.

Rathbone has been working on a bull head for Water Gunn, Jr., owner of the Austin Stockyard, and Paschall remembers helping Kelton S. Tilley of Forth Worth to mount the head of a $25,000 prize bull,  Prince Domino III.  The taxidermist has to be especially skillful in handling such animals.

Both Paschall and Rathbone think that mounting birds is one of their most tedious jobs.  Each of them has tried his hand at stuffing the minute hummingbird.  Paschall said that he had a helper hold the bright little bird with tweezers while he did the work.

Canaries also are hard to handle, since most customers bring the birds in after they are old and have poor plumage.  The taxidermists prefer to work with big birds like crows, ducks and parrots.  Rathbone has mounted a large collection of ducks for Sidney Wooldridge of 202 1-2 East 31st Street.

Biggest animal that Paschall has ever done was a horse mounted for a Galveston photographer who wanted to take pictures of tourists on the bucking bronco.  After Paschall finished the pony he goat in the saddle himself and let the cameraman take a few photos.  Rathbone also has done work on horses for photographers.

Because it is against the law to buy or sell Texas game, taxidermists sometimes have a hard time obtaining animals for special customers.  Rathbone says that he gets many extra buck heads because of his free deer skinning service.

A taxidermist needs to be a naturalist, artist and sculptor, according to Rathbone and Paschall.  Both men are enthusiastic sportsmen and know much about the habits and appearance of wild game and fish.  But even with his great knowledge of animals life.  Paschall had to do some extra research in mounting a dogfish for L. M. Pate of 120 East Ninth.  The dogfish is a queer looking shark with scale armor and a head like a bulldog’s.

Taking the odor out of a skunk is just a routine job for Rathbone, who says that the animal’s scent is easily removed with the proper chemicals.  In fact, he likes skunks so well that he kept one around the studio as a pet unit it was stolen.  He has mounted many Texas ringtail civet cats, which should not be identified with the smelly skunk or polecat.

One of Rathbone’s regular customers is Contractor S. O. Yarbrough of 1309 Meriden Lane, who is now planning a hunting trip to Alaska.  He hopes to bag a Kodiak bear, largest of carnivorous animals.  Yarbrough likes for his trophies to be mounted whole, and the collection in his game room includes many natives Texas Animals.

Perhaps the proudest of Paschall’s patrons is Miss Ethel Acklin of Manor, who has a stuffed bobcat which she killed west of the little town.  The school teacher told Paschall that she used three loads of buckshot in her gun to get the animal.  The taxidermist has mounted deer horns and heads for City Attorney Trueman O’Quinn and stuffed a javelina for State Treasurer Jesse James.  Another of Paschall’s prominent customers is Justice Meade Griffin of the Supreme Court.

Immediately after the animal is brought in, the taxidermists skin it and salt down the hide.  Then they build a clay model of the animal and make a plaster of paris cast over the hardened clay.  A heavy paper form is constructed inside the plaster of paris cast, and that form is used in mounting the animal.

The skins are softened in water to make them pliable for mounting and treated with borax and arsenic to repel insects.  Deer antlers are secured to the paper form after the skin is stretched over it.  Paschall now is working on two deer heads with locked horns found by C. M. Lanier.  During the death struggle, one buck’s antler pierced the head of his opponent, and Paschall is mounting the horns just as they were when Lanier found them.

The taxidermists have standard molds for animas that they mount frequently.  For instance they keep deer head casts in a wide variety of sizes and neck turns.  Besides mounting antlers, buck heads and whole deer,  Paschall and Rathbone use the feet and hides for making articles like gun holders, tie racks, ash trays, gloves and jackets.

Among the many supplies that the taxidermist must keep in stock are various animal eyes.  Most eyes can be bought from manufacturers, but the taxidermist always has a few colorless ones on hand to paint for unusual animals.

The technique of stuffing fish is quite different from that of mounting large game animals, according to Rathbone.  He stretches the skin over a hand-carved model of light balsa wood and then fastens the fish to a polished mount.  Since the fish skins lose their color during the mounting process, their scales are painted in oils by Rathbone’s artist, Sidney Wooldridge.

Both Paschall and Rathbone have been in the taxidermy business for many years.  Paschall says that he has been interested in the work since boyhood.  He first worked with Kelton Tilley in Fort Worth and set up his Austin business in 1945.  Rathbone has worked in Austin for about 14 years and has been located on Fredericksburg Road four years.  Local hunters keep Rathbone and Paschall so busy stuffing fish, mounting game heads and doing special work that both busy men now have boys to help them.

Charles Wynne Paschal

By Linda Stewart, 1 April 2021

On Monday, March 4, 1940, Mr. C. W. Paschal passed away at the home of his son, Mr. J. J. Paschal, in Rockford.

Mr. Paschal was born September 6, 1849 in Sylacauga, Talladega Co., AL.  His parents moved to Coosa County when he was about three years old and settled in what is now known as the Richfield community.

In 1876, he married Miss Caroline Holiman, and to this union was born seven children, four of whom are living; J. J. Paschal, Rockford; G. G. Paschal, Aniston; Mrs. W. E. Moore, Sylacauga; Mrs. L. C. Gillespie, Ashford.

He united with the Primitive Baptist Church at the age of twenty-one, being ordained to the ministry in the denomination about ten years afterwards, spending the remainder of his life in faithful service.  For the past several years he has been an invalid, however he was a patient sufferer, exhibiting his spirit of cheerfulness to the end.

Funeral services were held Tuesday, 10 a.m., at Liberty Hill Church with Elder S. L. Hornsby, of Tallassee, officiating, the Revs. C. D. Dobbs, A. P. Thomas and H. M. Williams, of Tallassee, assisting.  Interment was in church cemetery, with Mathis-Jones Funeral directors in charge.

The Rockford Chronicle (Rockford, Alabama), Thursday, 7 March 1940, Page 1

Charles Wynne Paschal (James Monroe, Samuel, Samuel, William), married Martha Caroline Hollimon on 23 October 1876 on Coosa Co., AL.  Martha, the daughter of Gilbert S. Hollimon and Elizabeth Roy, was born 25 May 1857, died 30 November 1923, and was also buried in the Liberty Hill Church Cemetery in Coosa Co., AL.  Martha’s maiden name was spelled Holiman, Hollowman, Holoman, as well as Holeman.  The 1900 census states Martha was the mother of 7 children with 5 living: Mary Lou [Dobbs], Martha Carrie Cowline [Moore], Josephine Elizabeth “Josie” [Gillespie], George Gilbert, and John Joseph.


Does anyone have any bible records for Charles Wynne Paschal and Martha Caroline Holiman?  I am trying to find records for the two missing children. Charles and Martha married in 1876 and the 1880 census shows no children.  The 1900 census shows a ten year gap between George and John.  The two missing children may have been born and died between 1876 and 1880 or between 1886 and 1896.  They lived in Coosa County, Alabama.  Findagrave is not showing any baby graves during that time period.  If you have any information, please e-mail me.