Death of Lunsford A. Paschall

By Linda Stewart, 11 September 2018

The Torchlight, (Oxford, North Carolina) – Tuesday, August 19, 1879, Page 2

A good man has gone to his reward.  Lunsford A. Paschall was born in Warren County, N. C., March 31st, 1802, and died in Oxford August 12th, 1879.

He was the son of Anderson Paschall, at one time Sheriff of Warren, and his mother was a Twitty, from that county.  He was one of twelve children.  He married Cary Ann Taylor, daughter of the Rev. Louis Taylor, and leaves only one daughter, his only surviving child, Anna C., wife of F. B. Wimbish’ Esq., of Oxford.

His father removing to Granville while Mr. Paschall was a boy, he was brought up in this county and for over fifty years he has been a citizen of Oxford.  From early manhood he has been prominently identified with public affairs in Granville, having served at various periods as Chairman of the County Court, Register of Deeds, Public Administrator and Justice of the Peace, and so bore himself in office and out of office as to win the unbounded confidence and esteem of the community.  Mr. Paschall was a man of sound, vigorous mind, and pre-eminently gifted with that rarest of all qualities — practical, common sense.  He integrity was unquestioned and his benevolence and unselfishness so great that his charities were only limited by his ability to bestow.  With all the intellectual qualities and the energy necessary to accumulate wealth, and with ample opportunities to do so, he preferred to retain in moderate circumstances, and to lay up his treasures, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal.  Instead of hoarding up property, he dispensed his ample earnings in unnumbered acts of judicious charity, only reserving enough to secure a modest competence to himself and family.

For over forty years he had been a communicate of the Church, and died in an assured hope of a blessed immortality.

A good man has gone from our midst, and the whole community mourn his departure.


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