by Linda Stewart, 4 September 2019
Isla Paschall Richardson (1885-1971) was the daughter of John Monroe Paschall (Samuel, Silas, John, William) and Daretula Dewitt Sanders. John was a Professor at the University in Nashville and Daretula was a music teacher. Isla became a noted author and poet. When Frank Sinatra died, the movie star, Gregory Peck, recited Isla’s poem “To Those I Love” at his funeral. Peck said he chose the poem as a tribute to Frank’s widow, Barbara, who made his old friend happy for almost 25 years.
“To Those I Love” by Isla Paschall Richardson
If I should ever leave you whom I love
To go along the silent way,
Grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears,
But laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there.
(I’d come – I’d come, could I but find a way!
But would not tears and grief be barriers?)
And when you hear a song
Or see a bird I loved,
Please do not let the thought of me be sad
For I am loving you just as I always have
You were so good to me!
There are so many things I wanted still to do
So many things to say to you
Remember that I did not fear
It was just leaving you that was so hard to face
We cannot see beyond
But this I know;
I love you so
‘twas heaven here with you!
Hi Linda, This one was always my favorite. I want to add an update to “Jana News” as I have a few thoughts. see ya, Clarence
I always enjoy when you send me stories. This one was one of my favorites also. Looking forward to the new “Jana News”. See ya – Linda