by Linda Stewart, 17 March 2021
San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 28, 1912 – Four clashes along the American border between American Cowboys and Mexican revolutionists have been reported here today and the greatest excitement prevails among the American’s living along the border. Armed posses of citizens are patrolling the border in many sections and are not hesitating to cross into Mexico territory in an effort to disperse bands of rebels.
The Nelson Morris Ranch, at Cuervo, Mexico, opposite Sierra Blanca, is now safely in the hands of Americans. A rescuing party charged the besieging revolutionists under cover of darkness last night, reached the abode house and relieved the besieged employees.
The attacks started Monday Night, when Brown Paschall, manager of the ranch, refused to furnish the Mexicans with arms and horses. He also refused to flee to American territory, and declared he and his men would remain in the adobe building, where they barricaded themselves, and fight it out to the finish. He was wounded and two friendly Mexicans, who sided in the defense of the ranch were killed during the fighting. A squad of American cowboys went to Paschall’s aid and the Mexicans withdrew.
They are still in the vicinity, however, and threaten to renew the attack. A band of Americans waited on the border through the night, intending to dash across and engage the Mexicans in case of a fresh attack being started on the ranch.
It is reported that several of the besieging Mexicans were killed. A second clash between revolutionists and cowboys occurred at the Wilson Ranch near Alpine, Texas. A body of rebels raided the ranch and captured cattle. An American posse pursued the Mexicans and a fight followed. Four Mexicans were reported killed, and Charles Tuttle, an American, shot through the body. Attempts were made to raid two other ranches, but the rebels were driven off.
The sheriff at Alpine has authorized all Americans to arm themselves to protect their property, and Governor Colquit has been asked to send a detachment of militia to patrol the border.
Source: Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, Virginia), Wednesday, February 29, 1912, Pages 1 & 7