Unidentified Pictures from the Ruth Beard Paschall Collection

By Linda Stewart, 4 September 2018

When my grandmother, Ruth McKinney Beard Paschall, moved to heaven in 1976.  She had a box full of pictures that was given to me.  My mother Ruth and her brother Raymond identified most of the pictures, but the really old pictures they did not know who the people were.  Once again we would appreciate your help in identifying the pictures.

We do not know if these pictures are of family members or just family friends.

Happy Hunting! – LS

Help Identify Pictures from the Lunsford Stanhope Paschall line

By Linda Stewart, 12 July 2018

We need your help!  William Harold Reid Jr. has sent in some photographs which need identification.  Any information that you can have is greatly appreciated.

The two children with the doll are Paschall’s either from the John Thomas Paschall family or his brother William Dennis Paschall.  They would have lived in Wise County Texas.  Seated John Thomas Paschall, wife Ellender Josephine Goodger Paschall, girl standing behind them in the middle is their daughter Ollie Clementine Paschall Reid, to her right is her sister, and then her brother Clayton Lunsford Paschall.  Can anyone identify the other people.

 Mary Paschall is written on the back.

Ollie Clementine Paschall is on the right, and the woman on the left and in the middle are her sisters.  Her sisters were Emily F. Paschall, Mary Anna Paschall, and Ada Belle Paschall.  Emily died in 1910 and Ollie married Weaver Newton Reid in 1912.  It is unknown as to the date of the picture.  Can you identify the two sisters with Ollie?